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AOTC 25: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

AOTC 25: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

The post-exilic prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are set in
times of great adversity. God's people are minnows in the vast Persian Empire,
and the promises of the earlier prophets for a glorious restoration of
Jerusalem seem far from their experience. These books, from beginning to end,
restate God's intention to establish his glorious kingdom, and explain what
this means for the lives of his people.
For Haggai and Zechariah, the immediate challenge was to rebuild the temple in
view of God's return. For Malachi, the challenge was covenant unfaithfulness
which had infected the people's attitudes towards God, and how this needed to
change in view of future judgment. God used each of these prophets to remind
the people of the true King and to re-order their lives and their community in
the light of the reality of his coming kingdom.
In this Apollos Old Testament Commentary, Anthony Petterson offers detailed
commentary on these prophetic books, setting them in their wider
biblical-theological context. He shows the connections between the post-exilic
world and our own, and explains how these books contain a vital message for the
church today, living in the gap between promise and reality. (= 9780830825240)
Series: Apollos Old Testament Commentary.
Recommended € 44,90

AOTC 25: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi


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